Many cor­po­ra­tions would not even notice a breach because they do not have the tools or the processes to detect a breach. In addi­tion, even if they should become aware of a breach they would not be able to reli­ably deter­mine exactly what infor­ma­tion had been accessed.
FTP/​Sentry mon­i­tors FTP activ­ity across the enter­prise and records the activ­ity in a secure location. It can tell you who accessed what infor­ma­tion when and from where — all at the click of a mouse. IT staff gains vis­i­bil­ity to FTP activ­ity enterprise-​wide and are able to mon­i­tor sys­tem health as well as iden­tify excep­tions immediately. 
FTP/​Sentry pro­vides the con­trols to mon­i­tor and audit FTP activ­ity as well as detect and inves­ti­gate sus­pi­cious activ­ity. FTP/​Sentry ensures Audits and Breach inves­ti­ga­tions can be per­formed instantly and are accu­rate, com­pre­hen­sive, timely and cost effective. 
The expo­sure to breaches is mag­ni­fied expo­nen­tially when sen­si­tive files remain exposed on servers longer than they need to. As users often for­get to delete their files, many breaches hap­pen long after a file was uploaded. Most enter­prises lack the FTP automa­tion capa­bil­i­ties to man­age file retention.
FTP/​Sentry helps reduce expo­sure and pre­vent data breaches by pro­vid­ing an automa­tion frame­work capa­ble of detect­ing uploads of sen­si­tive files and remov­ing files auto­mat­i­cally after suc­cess­ful transfer.


Wie FTP/Sentry funktioniert

Remote Monitoring Agents are deployed on distributed platforms (Linux, Unix, Win­dows etc.) as well as IBM z/​OS Mainframes and provide real-​time FTP usage data to the Real-​Time Monitor.
FTP/Sentry’s Real-​Time Monitor interfaces with Remote Monitoring Agents to monitor FTP activity across the enterprise and records the activity in a secure location for audit purposes. It also monitors the health of the Remote Monitoring Agents and can generate an alert when an agent becomes unresponsive.
FTP/​Sentry Desktop, a Windows application, can tell you who accessed what information when and from where.

The Alert Center allows you to define alerts for a variety of user-​defined events including uploads of sensitive data, transfers to destinations outside the corporate network, failed transfers etc. 

The Automation Framework enables you to initiate actions based upon events that have been detected, such as deleting files after successful download, notifying business partners of failed or interrupted file transfers etc.

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Vorteile von FTP/Sentry

FTP/​Sentry ensures Audits and Breach inves­ti­ga­tions are:

✔ - Präzise: Performed using data stored in a secure location, so intruders cannot manipulate log files.

✔ - Umfassend: They encompass all FTP Servers in the enterprise - including those which otherwise might not be included.

✔ - Sofort durchgeführt: Audits and Breach investigations are easily performed without advance planning or notice to collect data and can therefore be performed instantly when suspicion of abuse arises.
✔ - Rechtzeitig: In an Active Attack Scenario, seconds count. FTP/​Sentry provides all information instantly.
✔ - Kostengünstig: Ensures Auditors and Breach Investigators do not waste costly time gathering data and sifting through endless log files.


Benachrichtigungen von FTP/Sentry

The Real-​Time Mon­i­tor can gen­er­ate alerts for any cir­cum­stance. For example:
• - Alerts can be generated for uploads of sensitive data (identified by file name using pattern matching).
• - Alerts can be generated for transmissions of sensitive data.
• - Alerts can be generated for failed FTP transactions (failed file transfers, logon failures, etc.).
• - Alerts can be generated for specific FTP transactions, based on selection criteria you provide.

Einen Verstoß überprüfen / Untersuchungsmöglichkeiten

Breach inves­ti­ga­tions can be dif­fi­cult, as often very lit­tle infor­ma­tion is avail­able. FTP/​Sentry allows you to inves­ti­gate a breach in sev­eral pos­si­ble ways:
► - By Filename: If you know that a given file has been accessed, FTP/​Sentry will show you which ID accessed it when and from which IP address.
► - By IP address: If you know an attack originated from a given IP address, FTP/​Sentry will show you what files on which servers were accessed and when they were accessed.
► - By FTP Server: If you know a given FTP server was breached, FTP/​Sentry will show what files were accessed when, under which ID and from which IP address.
► - By Time Period: If you know when an attack happened, FTP/​Sentry will show you what files on which servers were accessed as well as which IDs were used and from which IP addresses they were accessed.


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59229 Ahlen

+49 (0) 2382 966 225